Billsberry, J. (2000) Finding and Keeping the Right People. 2nd (revised) edition. London: Prentice Hall. UK ISBN 0 273 61698 6 This book has been published in five other languages: Mandarin (中华工商联合出版社, 2002 ISBN 7-80100-827-8), French (Réussir ses recrutements (et savoir les conserver), 2000, Paris: Editions Village Mondial, Pearson Education, Les Echos. ISBN 2-84211-109-5), Russian (КАК ПОДОБРАТЬ И СОХРАНИТЬ НУЖНЙ ПЕРСОНАЛ, 2002, Баланс-Аудит. ISBN 966-8216-00-8), Malay (Mencari dan Mengekalkan Pekerja Terbaik, 2002, Pearson Malaysia) and Spanish.
Billsberry, J. (1996) Finding and Keeping the Right People. First edition. London: Pitman Professional Publishing. ISBN 0 273 61698 6
From the dust cover of the second edition
The decision to recruit someone is not just a big financial decision, it is also one that will determine the future of the organisation. Years of experience can guide you to the right decision but you don't have time for that. So much depends on getting it right now. Finding the best person for your organisation. Someone who fits your company culture. Someone to grow with the business and to be a part of its future. You can learn by mistakes or you can read this book. Instant experience. You decide.