Books and Chapters


Books (Authored)

Billsberry, J. (2010). Person-Organisation Fit: Value Congruence in Attraction and Selection Decisions. Köln, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-8383-3729-6

Billsberry, J. (2007). Experiencing Recruitment and Selection. Chichester: Wiley. ISBN 978-0-470-05731-1 (ppc) 978-0-470-05730-8 (pbk).

Billsberry, J. (2000). Finding and Keeping the Right People. 2nd (revised) edition. London: Prentice Hall. UK ISBN 0 273 61698 6


  • Mandarin (中华工商联合出版社, 2002 ISBN 7-80100-827-8)
  • French (Réussir ses recrutements (et savoir les conserver),2000, Paris: Editions Village Mondial, Pearson Education, Les Echos. ISBN 2-84211-109-5)
  • Russian (КАК ПОДОБРАТЬ И СОХРАНИТЬ НУЖНЙ ПЕРСОНАЛ, 2002, Баланс-Аудит. ISBN 966-8216-00-8)
  • Malay (Mencari dan Mengekalkan Pekerja Terbaik, 2002, Pearson Malaysia)
  • Spanish

Billsberry, J. (1996). Finding and Keeping the Right People. London: Pitman Professional Publishing. ISBN 0 273 61698 6


Books (Edited)

Billsberry, J., & Talbot, D. L. (In press; Eds.), Employee Misfit: Theories, Perspectives, and New Directions. Singapore: Springer Nature.

Kristof-Brown, A. L., & Billsberry, J. (2013; Eds.). Organizational Fit: Key Issues and New Directions. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwells. ISBN: 978-0-470-68361-3 (print)

Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., & Leonard, P. (2012; Eds.). Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10:1617358746, 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)

Billsberry, J. (2009; Ed.). Discovering Leadership. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0-230-57584-6 (hbk) 978-0-230-57584-4 (pbk)

Salaman, J. G., Storey, J., & Billsberry, J. (2005; Eds.). Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice. London: Sage. ISBN 1-4129-1900-2 (hbk) 1-4129-1901-0 (pbk)

Billsberry, J. (1996; Ed.). The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations. London: Sage. English version. UK ISBN: 0 7619 5110-5 (hbk) 0 7619 5111-3 (pbk).


  • Czech (Efektivní správce: Perspektivy a ilustrace)
  • Slovak (Efektívny manažér: Perspektívy a príklady)
  • Bulgarian
  • Romanian (Management competitiv: Perspective şi exemplificări)
  • Hungarian (Hatékony menedzser: Távlatok és illusztrációk)



Billsberry, J., Talbot, D. L., & Hollyoak, B. M. (in press). A note on the romance of misfit: Maverickism. In J. Billsberry & D. L. Talbot (Eds.), Employee Misfit: Theories, Perspectives, and New Directions. Singapore: Springer Nature.

Billsberry, J. (in press). Person-organization fit. In V. Ratten (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Billsberry, J., & Egri, C. P. (2017). Leadership development through videography. In S. Kempster, G. Edwards, & A. F. Turner (Eds.) The Field Guide to Leadership Development: Creative Guidelines for Practice and Design, pp. 133-148. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78536 990 2 (cased) 978 1 78536 991 9 (eBook) DOI 10.4337/9781785369919

Billsberry, J., & Brown, K. G. (2017). The medium is the message: On the emergence of autonomous learning, MOOCs, and technology-enabled active learning. In J. E. Ellingson & R. A. Noe (Eds.), Autonomous Learning in the Workplace, pp. 237-259. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Organizational Frontiers Series. New York, NY: Routledge.

Billsberry, J. (2015). On solutions to the crisis in management education: Can Business Schools improve the effectiveness of managers? In Wilkinson, A., Townsend K., & Suter, G. (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Managing Managers, pp. 183- 202. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78347 428 8 (cased), ISBN 978 1 78347 429 5 (eBook)

Kristof-Brown, A. L., & Billsberry, J. (2013). Fit for the future. In Kristof-Brown, A. L., & Billsberry, J. (Eds.) Organizational Fit: Key Issues and New Directions, pp. 1-18. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwells. ISBN: 978-0-470-68361-3 (print)

Billsberry, J., Talbot, D. L., & Ambrosini, V. (2013). Mapping fit: Maximizing idiographic and nomothetic benefits, pp. 124-141. In Kristof-Brown, A. L., & Billsberry, J. (Eds.) Organizational Fit: Key Issues and New Directions. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwells. ISBN: 978-0-470-68361-3 (print)

Billsberry, J., Leonard, P., & Charlesworth, J. (2012). Die another day: Effective teaching with film and television. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., & Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. xi-xxvii. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10: 1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)

Ambrosini, V., Billsberry, J., & Collier, N. (2012). To boldly go where few have gone before: Teaching strategy with moving images. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., & Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. 171-191. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10:1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)

Champoux, J. E., & Billsberry, J. (2012). Using moving images in management education: Technology, formats, delivery and copyright. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., & Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. 149-158. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10: 1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)

Billsberry, J. (2012). Using visual media to teach recruitment and selection. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., & Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. 209-222. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10:1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)

Searle, R. H., & Billsberry, J. (2011). The development and destruction of organizational trust during recruitment and selection. In Searle, R. H., & Skinner, D. (Eds.) Trust and Human Resource Management, pp. 67-86. Chichester: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978 1 84844 464 5 (hbk)

Billsberry, J. (2009). Leadership: A contested construct. In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) Discovering Leadership, pp. 24-34. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0-230-57584-6 (hbk) 978-0-230-57584-4 (pbk)

Billsberry, J. (2009). A leadership curriculum. In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) Discovering Leadership, pp. 1-11. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0-230-57584-6 (hbk) 978-0-230-57584-4 (pbk)

Billsberry, J., & Nelson, P. C. (2008). The impact of individualism on the outcome of penalty shoot-outs in international football tournaments. In Reilly, T. & Korkusuz, F.  (Eds.) Science and Football VI, pp. 169-173. Oxford: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415429092 (hbk)

van Ameijde, J. D. J., Nelson, P. C., Billsberry, J., & van Meurs, N. (2008). Distributed leadership in project teams. In Turnbull-James, K. & Collins, J. (Eds.) Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action, pp. 223-237. London: Palgrave. ISBN 978-0-230-51604-5 (hbk) 0-230-51694-1 (pbk)

Clark, T. A. R., & Billsberry, J. (2007). Jak „łowcy głów” wybierają swoje ofiary: przegląd metod selekcji stosowanych w agencjach doradztwa personalnego w czterech krajach europejskich. (How headhunters select their prey: A review of selection methods used by executive search consultancies in four European countries). In Witkowski, T. (Ed.) Dobór Personelu: Koncepcje, Narzêdzia, Konteksty (Personnel Selection: Concepts, Tools, Contexts), pp. 63-86. Taszów: Biblioteka Moderatora. ISBN 978-83-923427-2-4

Storey, J., Salaman, J. G., & Billsberry, J. (2005). Strategic Human Resource Management: Defining the field. In Salaman, J. G., Storey, J. & Billsberry, J. (Eds.) Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, pp. 1-11. London: Sage. ISBN 1-4129-1900-2 (hbk) 1-4129-1901-0 (pbk)

Billsberry, J. (2000). Socialising teleworkers into the organisation. In Daniels, K. J., Lamond, D. & Standen, P. (Eds.) Managing Telework, pp. 43-52. London: International Thomson Business.

Billsberry, J. (1998). Gap analysis. In Scholes, K., Johnson, G., & Ambrosini, V. (Eds.) Techniques of Analysis and Evaluation in Strategic Management, pp. 219-228. London: Prentice Hall.

Clark, T. A. R., & Billsberry, J. (1998). Jak „łowcy głów” wybierają swoje ofiary (How headhunters select their prey). In Witkowski, T. (Ed.) Nowoczesne Metody Doboru i Oceny Personelu (Advances in Selection and Assessment), pp. 79-98. Warsaw, Poland: Wydawnictwo Profesjonalnej Szkoły Biznesu.

Billsberry, J. (1996). When does recruitment and selection end? The 9A organisational entry cycle and a horticultural metaphor. In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations, pp. 151-156. London: Sage. ISBN: 0 7619 5110-5 (hbk) 0 7619 5111-3 (pbk)

Billsberry, J. (1996). There is nothing so practical as a good theory: How can theory help managers become more effective? In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations, pp. 1-27. London: Sage. ISBN: 0 7619 5110-5 (hbk) 0 7619 5111-3 (pbk)

Billsberry, J. (1994). Making fair selection decisions. In Thomson, R. J., & Mabey, C. (Eds.) Developing Human Resources, pp. 97-121. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Billsberry, J. (1994). Working with numbers. In Giles, K. E., & Hedge, N. (Eds.) The Manager’s Good Study Guide, pp. 175-225. Milton Keynes: The Open University.


Minor Contributions to Books

Billsberry, J. (2015). 'OB in Film' internet learning resource sections ( for Chapters 4 Personality and Self-Identity (p. 126), 5 Perception and Emotion, 12 Leadership, 11 Communications, and 14 Power, Politics and Conflict. In J. Bratton, Introduction to Work and Organizational Behaviour, 3rd Edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN-10: 1137408685, ISBN-13: 978-1137408686

Billsberry, J. (2010). 'OB in Film' sections for Chapters 4 Personality and Identity (p. 126), 5 Perception and Emotion (p. 157), 13 Leadership (p. 381), 14 Communications (p. 405) and 16 Power, Politics and Conflict (p. 430) in Bratton, J., Sawchuk, P., Forshaw, C., Callinan, M., and Corbett, M. Work and Organizational Behaviour, 2nd Edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-23061-3 (pbk)