On the filmography page you will find a list of all the films I have been involved with. Importantly, against most of the films in the list you will find a hotlink to a Vimeo or YouTube site where you can view the film. On this page, you will find a showcase of some films that I'd like to highlight. These will inform you about the sort of films I am currently making and the high quality of my students' work.

Please double-click the images for the video to open up in Vimeo.


My Films

These are a few of the short films that Ihave produced over the past year.

The Office Leader: This short film offers a critique on transformational leadership training. It was produced by me, directed by Dave Willing, and Andrea North-Samardzic wrote the screenplay. The film is used in leadership teaching at Deakin University.
Memories of the 2014 MPM772 Social Construction of Leadership intensive unit at Deakin University
Memories of the 2013 MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential unit at Deakin University

Student Films

These are a selection of films made by my students on two of my leadership units at Deakin University: MPR771 Principles of Leadership and MPM772 The Social Construction of Leadership. This selection illustrates both the range and the high quality of the films my students have made whilst studying leadership.

Cities in Crisis: Geelong. A documentary film by Arindam Chaudhuri, Lynette Curtis, and Michael Sharp whilst studying MPR771 Principles of Leadership in 2014. From start to finish this film was conceived, shot, and edited in a little over 24 hours.
Headline: A short film by Shanyn Payne and Simon Potts whilst studying MPM772 The Social Construction of Leadership intensive unit at Deakin University in 2014. In this version of the film, the character of the editor has been manipulated to make him appear as a leader.
Headline: A short film by Shanyn Payne and Simon Potts whilst studying MPM772 The Social Construction of Leadership intensive unit at Deakin University in 2014. In this version of the film, the character of the editor has been manipulated to make him appear ineffective as a leader.
Path-Goal Theory: This short film was made by Alice Hill, Shanyn Payne and Rebekah Townsend whilst studying the MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential school at Deakin University in 2014.
Modern Times: A short film by Paul Geddis and Pia Harrison whilst studying MPM772 The Social Construction of Leadership intensive unit at Deakin University in 2014. In this version of the film, the managerial characters are depicted as ineffective leaders.
Modern Times: A short film by Paul Geddis and Pia Harrison whilst studying MPM772 The Social Construction of Leadership intensive unit at Deakin University in 2014. In this version of the film, the managerial characters are depicted as effective leaders.
A Mother is Born: A short film by Simone Heald, Simon Edwards and Melissa Harvey whilst studying MPM772 The Social Construction of Leadership intensive unit at Deakin University in 2013. In this version of the film, the midwife is depicted without leadership qualities.
A Trip Down Ethical Lane: A short film by Tracey Lefebure and Sam Headberry whilst studying MPM772 The Social Construction of Leadership intensive unit at Deakin University in 2013. In this version of the film, the lead character is depicted with leadership qualities.